Monday, April 21, 2008

random thoughts

I tend to reach for the unattainable. And I am always striving to attain what I cannot reach yet. Sometimes it seems like a hope that gets frustrated. But what is hope it if has never been frustrated? Maybe hope springs forth when one knows there is even the slightest 1% possibility of attainability. Maybe the reason for hope is that that 1% can become attainable.....


holly darling smith said...

Hmm. Such a tangle of thoughts. I love you.

Unknown said...

thank you for sharing your random thoughts, Karen. :) It gave me something to ponder...

It was good to see you at the musical on Thursday! :D

Garvey said...

i really truly whole-heartedly agree with you Karen!

as hard as it is at times...

hope is not so hopeful if it is easily attained.