Friday, June 15, 2007


“Life by light alone”…Perhaps you have a notion of what this means, yet, you may be wondering, “What does this really mean?” Scripture uses the illustration of light as truth, and essentially Christ. In 1 John 1:5 he states clearly, “…God is light…” Life is only by the truth; it is only by Christ that we can live. How blessed we are that God has shown His light in our darkened, sin tainted world. Yet, though His light shines, the only ones that perceive it are those He has chosen to reveal Himself to. Christ has shined His light, but the world has not understood it, it cannot comprehend Christ. Only by God’s grace believers are enlightened. Cherish the light. Life cannot exist without the sun. Christians cannot live without the light, which is truth, which is Christ. Not only is Christ light, and light Christ, but Christians can be light in the world. We can reflect His life if we are abiding in Christ. The world being in darkness, not only does not understand Christ, buy it does not understand Christians. If only it knew that life is by light alone...



Lo said...

Hey Karen i stumbled across your blog through hannah's. great thoughts. i love the pic.

(from chior and drama)

Karen Elizabeth said...

thanks! that's funny that you stummbled across mine. :) what a small

Hannah Paul said...

Karen I love your post! :) I am glad you are home now <3