Wednesday, June 20, 2007


(photo credit to amber)
The weekend that was packed full of truth, grace, and convicting, heart changing messages was incredible. After having the “mountain top” experience at the conference and being in almost a “spiritual high”, many have found the place where the rubber meets the road a challenging, if not hard and grueling task in adjusting to normal life. I nearly dreaded coming home chiefly because I knew as soon as I entered the door, real life began. It has been an unavoidable battle to fight the endless temptations satan puts in our way as soon as we leave the flock at the conference and come home. We get used to being at the conference, a place of peace and quiet, a place where thousands are worshiping Christ and earnestly seeking His face. What glorious moments. Yet, obviously we can’t live there; everyone must go home and face real life. It is not that the home or work place is an unpleasant place to be, or that family and friends are an annoyance and hindrance to be around, rather it is where our patience is tried, our pride humbled, our high and lofty dreams squandered, our anxiety and fear multiplied, and our lives tested and tried in every way. “How can we bear this?” We ask ourselves. “Why don’t they understand? Don’t they know this stuff that I learned?” Our patience grows thin. Suddenly….. we start to become ignorant of our own faults. Then we feel like we are back to square one. How frustrating. We feel like failures. But God’s grace is so great! We can only carry on by His strength; by His blood, by His love. God works in our hearts during the “mountain top” times and we feel so close to Him and so in love with Him…and during that time it is like He is tilling and planting a seed in our hearts, and when we get home, it is our responsibility to take action, to grow in the “grace like rain” that he constantly provides. If any of you have experienced anything of the sort, be encouraged that God is always there to meet you in those seeming impossible moments. He doesn’t just “rain down grace” and then leave you to grow on your own. He’s always near, and never idle. His patience is abounding, His love amazing.



Hannah Paul said...

I loved your post, so true! :)It can be hard when you have a very high moment when you feel like you could see His face smiling down on you, but then even two seconds later things can start to go wrong, AGAIN! I LOVE they way you made you point by saying that God plants a seed but we have to grow it. He nurtuers it, we grow it, He loves it, we grow it, He prunes it, we grow it.

Karen Elizabeth said...

yes...exactly!! You rephrased it so well... ;-)

Kristin Braun said...

It is not that the home or work place is an unpleasant place to be, or that family and friends are an annoyance and hindrance to be around, rather it is where our patience is tried, our pride humbled, our high and lofty dreams squandered, our anxiety and fear multiplied, and our lives tested and tried in every way.

Amen Karen! Thank you for this post :) It was really encouraging for me to read...

Anonymous said...

wow that was pretty stellar...that was an awesome essay? not sure what it was but i have always felt the same way about it. i am just starting to go to this college group in beaverton called "the way". its like that only every week! anyway lol