Wednesday, February 25, 2009

[cont.] 14 more random things...

1. I get persuaded quite easily – a blessing and a curse! (I am thankful for the good parents and friends I have)

2. I think it’s amusing watching random people in crowds…( maybe that’s weird lol) but I also find myself wondering about the lives of people who I come in contact with like the girl that works at subway, or the guy with the sign…

3. I drive relatively fast. Once, I had a dream about a cop pulling me over and giving me a ticket, and as I looked to see the amount I sighed with relief that it was only $30…but as he was filling out the citation he looked at me sort of evilly and added another zero…I started crying. But he just kept adding zeros!

4. I have been the victim of my brother attacking me in his sleep! It was the weirdest thing…(I thought people only walked in their sleep, but apparently they can attack people while “sleeping”) haha…he was mad at me because he thought I was in his bed, but I was just innocently sleeping in my own bed…it was terrifying, he pushed me out of bed. Lol

5. I love being around people, yet I love being alone sometimes too. I am perfectly content and happy when I’m just all by myself.

6. Hannah calls me a baby because I hate scary/horror movies. If I am somehow persuaded to watch one, I need pillows, a guy, and a blanket! Lol

7. This is rather contradictory to #1, but I am also rather stubborn sometimes…

8. Altogether I have 24 pairs of shoes. 13 pairs of dress shoes, 2 pairs of loafers, 2 pairs of boots (one short, one tall), 1 pair of snow boots, 4 pairs of tennis shoes type shoes, 2 pairs of soccer shoes (1 outdoor cleats, 1 indoor shoes), and 1 very sad and lonely crock (the other one was drowned in the river). Basically, I like shoes. :)

9. A little bit of procrastination is good if it allows you to enjoy life!

10. When creatively thinking or using the right side of my brain, I pretty much always tilt my head slightly up and to the right

11. I would prefer sharp, brief pain over dull, long-lasting pain.

12. I basically never just think, “I am so excited, now I get to read the Bible, and put everything else aside.” But every time I am done reading, I am amazed at what I read and wonder why I drug my feet!

13. Peonies are my favorite flowers

14. I make confessions about things and then wonder why I do! Haha ;)

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