Tuesday, February 17, 2009


-Happiness is [easily] found. It is something that comes with conditions. It is something that springs up all at once...but dies just as quickly as it came.

-Joy is fought for. It must be sought after, and it takes a great deal of work to attain. Joy is a choice we must make. Joy shines despite life's cruelty.

-Happiness is a cup of coffee.

-Joy is an attitude that says, "Heart, I will give thanks. Soul, I will rejoice. Mind, I will remember God's goodness. Strength, I will yield to God's strength."

Joy, I seek you now.


note- more to come.


Anonymous said...

look at Proverbs 17:22.


Karen Elizabeth said...

K. :)

Taylor Wells said...

Wow. Creepy "not really anonymous", I was just reading that proverb this morning... Good one though :)

Thanks Kare for that post... Something that I personally need to always be reminding myself...

Oh, one correction. Coffee is sooo joyful! ;)

Karen Elizabeth said...

creepy that you read that proverb this morning...wait, was that after you saw the comment? lol jk.

Yeah, it's funny I was reading a lot of different quotes this morning about happiness, and several of them were saying how happiness is found in yourself etc...and i was like, "what the heck!?" haha I realized Christians stand almost opposite from the way most people think. But, no duh! Doesn't the Bible say that if the world rejected Jesus, it will reject us too?! crazy.

And yeah...I think I like coffee way to much. ;)